Eng. Shaheeh is the Vice Chairman for Technical and Operational Activities for IPR Energy Group in Egypt.  Eng. Shaheen has extensive technical and operational experience in the Petroleum sector in both government JVs and partners organizations.  He was formerly the Chairman of the Board and Managing Director of Gemsa Petroleum Co., Amal Petroleum Co. and other Gulf of Suez JVs, including Zafco and Osoco.  He also served as Vice President and General Manager of Sahara Petroleum Co. His career includes many years of service at GUPCO and EGPC as Petroleum Engineering and Reservoir Engineering Manager.  He is actively engaged in SPE technical program committee’s activities in the Middle East/North Africa region. Mr. Shaheen earned his M.S. in Petroleum Engineering Economics from Cairo University.  He also holds a B.S. in Petroleum Engineering from Cairo University.